XSite 300


Download Recent Update

Latest Version: 3.00.64 (Description)
Released On: jeudi, nov. 10, 2022

Supplemental Files

The following DLL library file must be installed before running XSite 3.0 for the first time.

msmpisetup.exe (5.9 MB, Stand-alone, redistributable and SDK installers for Microsoft MPI)

Known Issues

  • The maximum proppant concentration is still hardwired to 0.7. It should probably increased to 1.0
  • Need to take a closer look at proppant stress when the new conductivity curves (indexed by proppant concentration and stress) are used.
  • Perforated tunnels:
    • Simplified logic cluster volume calculation needs to take in consideration that the part of the perf. tunnel cylinder is already taken into consideration by the borehole volume;
    • Generalize the logic for viscosity transition allowing switch from power-law fluid and include power-law fluid and fluid transition in the simplified logic; and
    • resetClusterOnNodes is called after a stage is inactivated; it probably should not to avoid premature connection of the active fractures with those connected with inactive clusters.
  • Export grid function is limited to infinite horizontal plane seams. Will added ability to specify export extent based on top and lower seam for minimum and maximum Z coordinate and fractures location for X and Y coordinates.
XSite 3.00 64-bit Update

Software Update Revisions

Revision Date Description
64 nov. 10, 2022
  • Implicit solver pre-release
  • Added Fluid Time Step Factor in the Simulation Dialog and move it from the Pre-Process tab on the Batch Item Dialog to Simulation dialog. This will facilitate the selection of the implicit or explicit fluid solver.
  • Added ability to append boundary conditions (injection rate or pressure) after the initial simulation time is completed.
  • Added history for the number of interactions for the implicit solver
  • Added implicit fluid parameters (Solution/Fluid tab):
    • a) Max number of interactions - default = 500, min = 4, max = 1000
    • b) Min number of interactions - default = 4, min = 1, max = 100
    • c) % for conversion criteria - default = 1e-4
  • Thermal strain in spring containing joint/crack now is used to calculate change in joint/crack aperture and gap.
  • Even if the aperture change is not allowed, the first step in flow cycling calculates flow rates.
  • In the calculation of the advection time step, the volume of fluid element is divided by the number of connected pipes.
  • The sink now can be specified in cylindrical instead of spherical shape. Moved sink input data from Features/Fluid tab to Features/Sink tab.
  • Sink can be activated from Reset Lattice dialog
  • Updated Description of the XSite Formulation.
  • Allow scripts that launches MPI runs to use different parallel environments.
  • Added more diagnostics info to the console log.
  • Added fluid time step factor to be applied during thermal equilibrium phase on Batch dialog.
63 août 19, 2022
  • Added "HF" to the list of fracture types when exporting microcracks to a file using a IJK grid. All text in the file will be padded with double quotes.
  • Export grid will use the intersection of the spring and the fracture instead of the center of the spring to define if a spring is located inside a given the grid zone.
  • Joint plot items will will use the intersection of the spring and the fracture instead of the center of the spring to display the joint.
62 août 4, 2022
  • Changed variable types for sink power and energy histories from double to the 128-bit accumulator to avoid roundoff errors.
  • Fixed format of large numbers for the microseismicity location when exporting microseismicity events.
  • Fixed the bug which prevented opening of a gap in some fluid elements during the full flow simulation. The main consequence of the bug was that a fracture would not close even after the pressure was reset to zero.
  • Added cluster and sink temperature histories.
  • Reference minimum stress was being incorrectly added to certain history plot items.
  • New calculation for cluster flow rate history when fluid simplified logic is used.
  • In the non-Voronoi lattice, springs in the interface of resolution domain and the background lattice were not being propperly created during model initializarion.
  • Fixed calculation of the mechanical time step for the flat joint model.
  • Adjusted calibration factors for the tensile strength and toughness for both the regular and Voronoi lattice.
  • Made mandatory injection schedule item and clusters to have a stage name.
61 juin 10, 2022
  • Added option to hydraulic connect intersected fractures.
  • Synchronized borehole node proppant concentration values for the borehole logic for MPI simulations.
  • Added thermal calibration factor for calculating convection heat Xfr coefeficient to fluid properties dialog.
  • Added variable to accumulated injected fluid time.
  • Added calculation to dynamically update convection heat Xfr coefeficient.
  • Added maximum number of advection substeps.
  • Added calculation of the critical time step for heat advection. The code is doing multistepping for both heat advection and heat conduction, which have different time steps. If only thermal calculation is done (no flow), the heat advection time step is the time step of the model.
  • Added advection time step factor.
  • Added feature to equilibrate and allow fluid steady state after thermal simulation is completed. Feature active when running model in thermal mode only.
  • Adjusted calibration factor used in calculation of the fracture area.
  • Fix for unphysical response when the fluid flow has not reached steady-state.
  • Fixed MPI synchronization for fluid node free flag that affected cycle pressure problems.
  • Modified implementation of the temperature change correction due to unsteady flow. Now, based on the fluid element unbalanced flow accumulated for the pressure change calculation.
  • Fixed code to set proper flow rate on fluid nodes when transitioning from different boundary conditions (full flow computation to pressure).
  • Added histories for advection time step, convection time step and thermal time.
  • Added ability to change history sampling interval after model is created.
  • In the Batch Item dialog added drop box that allows user to select is simulation time is specified in seconds, minutes or days.
  • Added displacement and velocity magnitude histories.
  • Bug fix: code will not allow to run flow simulation with simplified logic when the pumping schedule is specifying pressure instead of flow rate.
  • Added ability to change Advection Time Step Factor value on Reset Lattice dialog.
  • Added archiving for max flow rate field.
  • Fixed aperture, fluid temperature and fluid pressure and histories initialization.
  • Fixed the problem of thermal time incrementing that was affecting the thermal front speed.
  • Added log for thermal cycling.
  • Correct heat conduction time step used in the lattice if the advection timestep multiplier is different from zero.
  • For fluid temperature history whose reference points is located inside a sink, the fluid node selected for historyrecording is the closest to the desired point but located outside a sink.
  • The Fluid Temperature plot item will discard fluid nodes located inside sinks.
  • Added sink total energy and flow rate calculation.
  • Added sink total energy and flow rate history.
  • Added sink produced power history.
  • Bug fix for MPI thermal advection synchronization.
  • Added option in the Simulation Time plot item to show simulation time in days, minutes, hours or years.
  • Fixed rock spring history (rock temperature) for MPI version.
  • Fixed sink total energy calculation.
  • Sink flow rate history to be recorded regardless of what simulation mode is executed.
60 mars 12, 2022
  • Added checkbox to allow inject proppant directly into clusters when full flow mode is simulated, bypassing borehole logic computation.
  • Corrected MPI synchronization for proppant concentration applied to cluster fluid nodes for borehole logic computation.
  • Added ability to import stresses and rock material from FLAC3D zones.
  • Added ability to set fluid node temperature to spring temperature via "Reset lattice" dialog.
  • Added history for fluid node temperature.
  • Added filter to export only connected fluid nodes.
  • The file that contains exported fluid nodes will have 2 new columns:
    • Fluid Node ID, and the
    • ID of the connected fluid nodes.
  • Added heat advection and (forced) convection to XSite.
  • Default for proppant screenout volume fraction is set to 0.7 and confined modulus of packed proppant is set to 200 MPa.
59 sept. 22, 2021
  • Added ability to rotate grid file when importing depletion data.
  • Added mechanical time step factor to model setup.
  • Pressure boundary condition setting was moved from Cluster dialog to Injection Schedule dialog. This change will allow to set pressure boundary conditions for stages. Note that models (XML files) from versions prior to version 3.0.59 were affected:
    • In case the models specify cluster boundary conditions, you will need to reenter the data in the Injection Rate dialog.
    • Available fluid simulation mode is now either Full Flow and Simplified logic. When using pressure for boundary condition you must run the simulation in Full Flow mode. Make sure that fluid simulation type in batch items from XML files created with older versions properly set.
  • Added support for importing depletion data using irregular hexahedron grids.
  • Added support for exporting permeability data using irregular hexahedron grids.
  • Added capability to import Injection Schedule using a CSV text file.
58 août 20, 2021
  • Bug fixes for initialization of near borehole models that have the ratio of the background resolution to the smallest resolution in the order of 3 magnitudes.
  • Synchronizing spring impermeable flag when running simulations on MPI mode.
  • Fixed crash on MPI version for near borehole models.
  • Bug fix: program was crashing when spring attached to fluid pressure history was excavated.
  • Speed-up excavation of boreholes, open-hole and perf. tunnels.
  • Removed impermeability state from pipe data structure to avoid extra computation. Pipe impermeability state is now defined if one of its fluid elements is impermeable.
57 août 5, 2021
  • Bug fixes on Simulation dialog when running simulations using cluster boundary conditions.
  • Added cluster flow rate history when running simulations using cluster boundary conditions.
56 août 3, 2021
  • Added Fracman fracture number fluid node normal when exporting fluid nodes.
  • Added ability to add proppant when cluster boundary condition is activated during simulations.
  • Added option to select 'cluster boundary conditions' on "Start Simulation" dialog and batch processing.
55 juil. 20, 2021
  • Model global coordinates will be displayed on information box when sketch model plot item is active (transparency must be off).
  • Fixed bug on Joints Dialog that will select "Use finite stiffness values" check box case stiffness values are inputted by user.
  • Added flag to the Joint Traces plot items to display only connected joints.
  • Moved the number of largest microseismicity events that are discarded when combining slip events to Reset Lattice dialog. Removed check box that activates MS from Solution/Mechanical tab. This function now is available via Reset dialog and batch pre-process.
  • Removed the condition that both fluid element pressures of a pipe need to be positive for calculation of effective viscosity for non-Newtonian fluid.
  • Added ability to rotate "external" grids in the x-y plane in the Monitor/Grid plotitem.
  • Added ability to rotate and translate grid data used to export permeability and porosity (Microcracks Export Dialog).
  • Fixed microseismicity archive for MPI version.
  • Fixed stage history recording for MPI version.
  • Fixed data synchronization of microseismicity tension events for the MPI version.
54 mai 26, 2021
  • When processing Fracman files, fractures located outside the model extent will be discarded to speed up initialization time.
  • Added capability to stimulate one cluster in more than one stage.
  • Added node area for fluid node export.
  • Code prevents simulation to to run in case there are two clusters located in the same coordinates.
53 mai 6, 2021
  • Added validation to Batch dialog to not allow to post-process export of fluid nodes without a valid file name.
  • Added post-process MPI validation.
  • Fixed working directory defined on Batch Dialog being overwritten by Parametric Study working directory.
  • Bug fix on microseismicity save/restore routines.
  • Bug fix in calculation of fracture pressure for the simplified logic without the pressure gradient.
  • Added ability to export Normal Joint Displacement, Fluid Nodes and Histories when post-processing MPI simulations.
  • Fixed MPI recording of histories data that track values in a given coordinate (e.g. node velocity).
  • Fixed bug when calculating cluster fracture area for a given layer.
  • Added plot item that display normal or shear force magnitude on joints. Moved Joint Trace plot item to a new plot item group named "Joints".
  • Added plot item to display joint shear displacement vectors.
  • Added plot item to display joint normal or shear displacement magnitudes.
  • Bug fix for imported DXF joint initialization when global coordinates were applied.
52 mars 31, 2021
  • Added ability to export FRACMAN format file using sub-lattice data.
  • Optimized memory allocation for springs, fluid nodes and pipes. Replaced lists with vector. Removed erase function from code to speed removing lattice elements from model and keep memory allocation contiguous.
  • Removed warning for loose node criteria.The default was changed to 2 nodes. The loose node aperture limit was changed to 0.02.
  • Removed dialog box that displayed simplified logic parameters at beginning of simulation.
  • Changed calculation of the rotational stiffness for the time step to avoid instability when the model does not include joints.
  • Added ability to specify fracture toughness anisotropy to different material layers.
  • Plot items Microcracks/Countour and Stress/Countour were moved to Countour/Fluid Nodes and Countour/Stress.
  • Countour/Fluid Nodes plot item: added option to calculate permeability using only spilled springs.
  • Countour/Fluid Nodes plot item: Info window will display permeability summation of zones that have slipping joints above a given threshold. It also will display the total extent of the filtered zones with permeability above the threshold.
  • Joint Traces plot item: Info window will display area of open and slipped joints.
  • Fluid/Pipes and Micricracks/Disks plot items: Info window will display the sum of the areas of the fluid nodes whose aperture is greater than a given aperture threshold.
  • Microcracks plots item: When Gap is used, added maximum gap value that will be used calculate the microcrack radius when plot is displayed in skecth/rotation mode.
51 mars 15, 2021
  • Correct instability on near borehole models caused by jumps in resolution greater than 50%. The factor applied to the resolution used to calculate the radius of close mechanical nodes was increased from 0.7 to 0.8.
  • Export FRACMAN file now has option to include natural fractures.
  • Fixed bug that was setting a plugged cluster pipe to permeable when restarting cycling for the same stage.
  • Increased the maximum proppant volume fraction to 1.0. Fixed bug that prevented opening of the fractures closed on proppant.
  • The effect of deformation on fluid pressure change is not done for loose springs. Loose springs are defined as springs that have at least one node with less than 3 elastic springs.
  • Added functionality to export microcracks in the format: x,y,z, porosity, permeability tensor components (where x,y,z is the zone centroid)
50 mars 1, 2021
  • Fixed a bug in correction of fluid pressure due to fracture opening.
49 févr. 19, 2021
  • Removed activate reference minimum stress from GUI and plot items. Value on the GUI will be subtracted from stresses and fluid pressure during model initialization. Value on plot item (in PA or psi) will be added to the plot item pressures and stresses.
48 févr. 12, 2021
  • Borehole logic proppant initialization for cluster data was properly synchronized for the MPI version.
  • Borehole logic proppnant initialization on clusters is called only when simulation mode transitions to full flow.
  • Changes to correctly implement fixed maximum aperture and prevent loss of fluid because of unrestrained node displacements.
  • In order to be applied to stress calculation, the reference minimum stress override requires the user to check the reference override check box on the Stress tab.
  • Bug fix in the fluid pressure initialization. If the cavitation pressure is greater than 0.0, the initial pressure can be negative and saturation equal to 1.0.
47 janv. 20, 2021
  • Added Fluid Node Group plot items (for case of aperture cap and non-pressure drop option selected)
  • Changed mechanical time step factor from 0.95 to 0.90 to prevent instability occurring in some few cases.
  • Linux version updated to use Qt 4.8.7
46 janv. 14, 2021
  • User can now enter a reference stress that will be subtracted from stresses and pore-pressure during initialization. Reference stress may be added to plot-items to indicate total pressure values.
  • Added option to create shear(slip joints), tensile or both microseismicity events.
  • Optimized microseismicity simulation.
  • Fixed activation of microseismicity activation via batch processing.
  • Changed mechanical time step factor from 1.00 to 0.95 to prevent instability occurring in some few cases.
  • Fixing instability caused by nodes from domain resolution that created too close to nodes from neighboring smaller resolution domain resolution.
45 nov. 13, 2020
  • Added MPI domain decomposition plot item.
  • Added function to initialize pressure reference used in Carter leakoff calculations.
  • Allows negative pressure in matrix.
  • Added support for reference minimum stress.
  • Archiving thermal properties: thermal conductivity, specific heat and coefficient of thermal expansion.
  • Fixed initialization of injection rate of cluster nodes for flowback cases.
  • Multi threaded thermal functions.
  • Added ability to define thermal substep factor via GUI.
  • Added MPI capabilities to matrix flow and thermal modules.
  • Added summation of all fluid nodes values for injection rate and pressure on Cluster Fluid Nodes plot item legend.
  • Small code opptimization.
  • Synchronized number of cluster fluid nodes on MPI making sure that injection rate is correct.
  • Added calibration factor 2.53 for the tensile strength of the joint for all modes of joint deformation (i.e., fully coupled, uncoupled with fluid elements, and for no fluid elements).
44 oct. 28, 2020
  • Minor changes, refactored code.
43 sept. 22, 2020
  • Added node scale factor plot item.
  • Tested and fixed "reset sub-lattice" function for MPI.
  • Joint slip and opening prevented during elastic mechanical calculation.
    • Factor of 2.53 added to pore pressure in calculation of effective stress.
    • That is the same factor used for calculation of joint spring tensile strength.
    • It should be checked if the same factor needs to be added to joint opening/closing calculations elsewhere in this function.
    • Condition for open joint now requires gap greater than zero and effective stress less than or equal to the tensile strength.
  • Aperture cap enforced even if the aperture change is not allowed.
  • Several improvements when building Vonoroi resolution domain. Fixed numerical instability created when resolution domain is defined outside model boundaries.
  • When calculation fluid node pressure in the simplified mode, the factor for press change increment is set to 100.0

Bug fix:

  • Program skipped first pre-process batch item if model was not initialized before running in batch mode.
42 août 27, 2020
  • User now is allowed to edit Fracman joint properties.
  • Added ability to alter tolerance angle for joint intersection. This angle was hardwired to 10.0 degrees.
  • Removed limit of 2 GBytes of data buffer exchanging MPI data during save operations.
  • Added code to make sure that DFN and initial crack fluid nodes inside a cluster are set to permeable when the stage is activated.
  • Added ability to plot only permeable joint traces.

Bug fix:

  • For Voronoi calculation: background resolution nodes were being created inside resolution domains.
41 août 10, 2020
  • Modified function that apply fines to fluid nodes to use fluid nodes with the smallest aperture as criterium to be plugged.
  • Added plot item "Fluid/Fluid nodes with fimes".
  • Added check if toughness-dominated simulations have injection schedule specified.
  • Add code to make sure that console code exceptions are properly handled.
40 août 4, 2020
  • Simplified logic/pressure gradient: added code to avoid high pressure values when an existing fracture is arrested by the active cluster.
  • Fixed code crash when saving a aperture history record with invalid fluid element coordinate.
  • Added ability to set constant pressure to a reagion in the model.
  • Fixed race condition that was causing code to crash. Occurred when restoring sub-lattice data and building face node list and close/intersected spring lists.
  • When exporting micro-cracks using a grid file, added columns:
    • a) (Y/N) indicating if exported microcracks are in a grid zone in which the MC are located is intersected by a fault.
    • b) label(s) of the joint(s) (fault or initial crack) that intersect the zone.
  • In the joints dialog, the friction angle will be filled with the value selected form the joint material property drop down box.
  • In the joints dialog, user must select if the stiffness values will be finite.
39 juil. 7, 2020
  • Large pressure differences may occur when either the fluid calculation switches from full flow to simplified logic or when fluid elements of an active stage connects to fluid elements of an inactive cluster. In order to recover from this pressure difference the code will execute mechanical calculation either until 10,000 steps are executed or until the relative unbalance volume error drops below 10%.
  • Added flag to allow proppant screen out based on proppant diameter.
  • Added factor to limiting proppant concentration in the calculation of the viscosity to avoid too large viscosities with increase in proppant concentration making the transition to the upper bound smoother (range 0.0 to 1.0, default is 0.8).
  • Changed GUI to NOT allow Matrix Flow or Carter Leak-off to be activated at the same time.
38 juin 15, 2020
  • Fixed the bug that was causing instability of mechanical calculation using the Voronoi lattice for some models.
37 juin 3, 2020
  • Add histories for:
    • Cluster placed proppant
    • Stage injected volume
    • Stage injected proppant
    • Stage placed proppant
  • Bug fix for proppant placement when sub-lattice is active
36 mai 12, 2020
  • Bug fixes for calculating sub-lattice springs forces using Voronoi cell centroid.
  • Changed default for field Loose Node Aperture Limit to 1.00m.
  • Proppant concentration calculation changes.
35 avr. 28, 2020
  • Added feature to apply cyclic boundary conditions on clusters.
  • Voronoi cell centroid is now used to calculate spring forces.
  • Added ability to change Simplified Logic Relaxation Factor via Batch and Reset lattice dialogs.
34 avr. 6, 2020
  • Changes in security code to support to EUI-64
  • Fixed bug when setting Maximum Fluid Timestep via batch. Bug occurs in GUI version only.
33 mars 31, 2020
  • Fixed crack counter and creation time information lost when adaptive resolution is applied to the model.
  • Fixed save/restore for flag "use global coordinate" in the batch post-process record.
  • Fixed propant concentration loss on imported fractures.
32 mars 23, 2020
  • Fixed loss of proppant concentration during shut-in: negative gap is not used for calculation of the spring force when the contact closes.
  • Added ability to export fluid elements based on a range of the time of crack creation.
  • Added ability of export fluid elements in batch post-process step.
  • When importing fluid elements, added ability to define crack counter and time override crack creation time. This data can be used to filter cracks/fluid elements when plotting microcracks and/or proppant concentration.
31 mars 11, 2020
  • Fixed proppant loss during mechanical computation for models that are simulating depletion cases.
  • Added flag to Proppant Concentration Plot Item to cap volume fraction maximum value to the value set on field named “Volume fraction at maximum no-load packing” located at Features/Proppant tab.
30 mars 10, 2020
  • Improved proppant transport and placement logic.
29 févr. 28, 2020
  • Improvements in proppant transportation algorithm for the implified fluid logic.
28 févr. 27, 2020
  • Added ability to specify adding diversion balls in the simulation sequence setup.
  • Fix for the calculation of the perforation pressure drop in the simplified logic. When a fracture connects to a large imported fracture, there is potentially negative fracture volume change resulting in excessive pressure drop. The problem is manifested only in certain cases.
27 févr. 20, 2020
  • Added ability to specify Carter leak-off in seams.
  • Correcting excessive cracking on model.
26 févr. 12, 2020
  • Added capability to change maximum fluid timestep value via "Reset Lattice" dialog or via batch.
  • Added capability to initialize pore-pressure gradient on different layers.
  • Speed up code when calculating cluster volume.
  • Tolerance of the maximum proppant concentration above the specified limit increased from 0.001 to 0.02. This prevents gradual closure of propped fractures and apparent loss of proppant as a result of model oscillations.
  • For simulation using simplified logic with pressure gradient, the cluster pressure drop is applied to fluid elements directly connected to clusters when proppant concentration is applied.
  • When updating the connectivity path, improved the logic for establishing fluid element to cluster connection.
  • Added ability to add "pressure drop history" via cluster design dialog.
25 janv. 23, 2020
  • Corrected fluid pressure when upstream pointer is reset. This will improve the pressure gradient distribution when using simplified fluid flow logic.
  • Added cutoff value for displaying fluid nodes in the proppant concentration plot item.
  • Fluid velocity factor decimal places bumped to 4 digits.
24 janv. 16, 2020
  • Added filter to proppant concentration plot item to filter fluid nodes based on (simulation) time of the crack creation.
  • Added option to add "Increment Microcrack Counter" to simulation sequence resource. If this option is selected, the MC counter will be automatically added to the batch step when the simulation sequence is built.
  • Added extent to for sub-lattice creation.
  • Added factor for fluid velocity claculation.
23 janv. 7, 2020
  • Added filter to microcrack plot item to filter cracks based on (simulation) time of the crack creation.
  • Cell space creation algorithm was changed to allow faster creation.
22 nov. 27, 2019
  • Fluid nodes on clusters intersected by DFN are always active now.
  • Added ability to use an extent to filter imported depletion data that fall outside the provided extent.
21 nov. 25, 2019
  • The fluid nodes used to take cluster pressure history now are the same fluid nodes where fluid is injected. Pressure This results is a smoother history curve.
  • Pipes plot item: added option to plot only connected pipes. Also cut-plane option was added to this plot item.
  • Fixed bug when assigning joint property to sub-lattice joints.
  • Parametric study default working directory is now set to proper location.
  • Added tooltip for items listed in the History tab.
  • Added number of fluid nodes to Proppant Concentration plot item.
20 nov. 1, 2019
  • Improving MPI proppant concentration communication during simplified fluid logic computation to speed-up and improve results.
19 oct. 31, 2019
  • Upstream pointer (necessary for transitioning to simplified pressure gradient calculation) are also assigned during full flow calculation.
  • Enforcing lower boundary (zero) and upper boundary for proppant concentration calculation.
18 oct. 21, 2019
  • Changed criterion for calculating cluster volume for the fluid simplified logic computation: fluid elements that do not have an upstream pointer will not be considered.
  • Fixed MPI comunication for proppant concentration during simplified fluid logic computation.
  • During the application of adaptive resolution microcracks in the new lattice are created by intersecting the springs of the new lattice using the microcracks in the old lattice irrespective of the resolution. Also, the interpolation is done by taking values from the nearest spring with the same state (i.e., failed or unfailed).
  • For the pressure gradient mode of the simplified fluid logic, improved the criterion for setting upstream pointers.
17 sept. 30, 2019
  • Corrected stress shadow overestimation when importing microcracks.
  • Fixed bug in the full flow logic when time step is not recalculated during fluid sub-stepping. It is ensured that the aperture used in pressure increment calculation is updated only when the time step is calculated.
16 sept. 26, 2019
  • Fixed cracks count history for MPI simulations.
  • Optimized MPI synchronization before calling routine that applies proppant for the fluid simplified logic computation.
  • Fixed micro-crack pressure interpolation when adaptive resolution is applied (finer to coarser parts of model) to a model and matrix pressure is set.
15 sept. 16, 2019
  • The release number was removed from the program name on the Windows registry and on the Linux .config directory to avoid creating too many entries. Now program name used to store settings will use only the major and minor versions numbers.
  • Added ability to add batch items to import microcracks, proppant concentration and/or depletion using a workflow. A button was added to the batch items dialog to access the workflow dialog.
  • Added ability to move selected batch items.
  • Added option to plot connected microcracks by stage. Sketch Model plot item will be colored by stages instead of colored by cluster name.
  • Assignment of upstream pointer for the pressure gradient calculation for the simplified fluid logic now is more robust.
  • Proppant concentration for the simplified logic is now executed after volume fracture/injected is balanced.
14 août 30, 2019
  • Allow pressure to be negative when pressure is reset via "Reset Lattice" and "Batch Item" dialogs.
  • Import microcrack aperture and proppant concentration using a .csv file was moved from "File/import" menu to "Reset Lattice" and to "Batch Item" dialogs.
  • Added field "Loose node aperture limit" to solution tab. This field sets aperture limit of fluid noddes during force-displacement calculation. Default value is 1 m.
  • Added code to prevent file contention when executing adaptive resolution in MPI sessions.
  • The condition for breakage of the main lattice springs based on the sub-lattice is changed. All main lattice springs within 4 radii from the broken sub-lattice spring are marked. The main lattice spring is then broken in Force-Displacement function for the main lattice, if it is marked and the force is tensile.
  • Fluid element upstream is now communicated between domains corecting a bug on the MPI simulations.
13 août 12, 2019
  • Finalized ability to import fluid node and microcrack aperture and proppant concentration using a .csv file created from previous models (File/import menu).
  • Bug fix on balance volume calculation of the simplified logic.
  • Bug fixes for fracture area and stimulated area histories.
  • Added shear displacement to fluid nodes export file.
  • Added code to check if file load is from version 2.0. The data file (.xml) will be loaded properly. However, the simulation result file (.sav) will be discarded.
12 juil. 26, 2019
  • Speed up on Pressure Gradient calculation: The fluid element upstream pointer is no longer set in every cycle. Instead the upstream pointer is set once after a fluid element is connected to a cluster. This avoids several interactions over the fluid element list during Pressure Gradient computation (and consequently, avoids MPI inter-nodal synchronization) during a cycle.
  • Removed unnecessary MPI_barrier calls.
11 juil. 23, 2019
  • Code optimization: Time step calculation is not done anymore during the full flow sub-stepping. It done only at the beginning of sub-stepping cycling.
  • Sub-lattice change to correct differences in fracture lenght when compared with adptive resolution result. Modified function that marks the main lattice springs that should be broken as a results of breakage of the sub-lattice spring. Now, the main lattice springs are broken when sub-lattice follow these these citeria: are in tension within ten closest main lattice springs resolutions ** within four sub-lattice resolutions from the broken sub-lattice springs.
10 juil. 3, 2019
  • Fixed bug on sub-lattice spring connectivity archiving for the MPI version.
  • Added sub-lattice node depletion data to archiving.
  • Simulation time plot starts in different X coordinate to not overwrite/interfere history plot items.
  • Added pre-existing joint slip and close/open information when exporting fluid nodes.
9 juin 27, 2019
  • During force-displacement, the pressure assigned to a sub-lattice spring is the interpolated pressure from the main lattice springs.
8 juin 20, 2019
  • Pipes have been added to the model to compensate for the fact that the springs located at the intersection of joints are deactivated and do not have fluid nodes. The lack of these fluid nodes was casing holes in the pipe network.
  • Added ability to import fluid node aperture and poppant concentration from previous models (File/import menu).
  • In the simplified logic, the cluster pressure is assigned to the cluster fluid elements even if the cluster is plugged.
  • Added ability to plot pipes for a given aperture range.
  • Added support for user to define epsilon value via GUI or command line.
  • Allow user to input and override resolution box width when setting up stages design.
  • Sub-lattice velocity and displacement field plot items now show the correct Node ID of the Information window.
  • During force-force displacement and pressure change calculation the fluid node apertures are limited to 5 times the smallest resolution defined in the model.
  • Added multiplication factor to convert pressure drop file when importing depletion data.
  • Fixed bug with sub-lattice joint area multiplier. The new logic initializes the area multiplier only if it is greater than zero.
  • Correction in area when accumulating history data for stimulated area for springs broken in tension or in shear.
  • Added flag on Microcracks Export dialog to allow user to export Micocracks to a text file excluding quotation around text fields.
7 mai 3, 2019
  • Check for loose node criterion before breaking springs from the latency list.
  • Checks loose node criterion during creation of the lattice for adaptive resolution.
  • Gap is interpolated during creation of the lattice for adaptive resolution.
  • Screenout criterion implemented assuming that the factor is ratio of aperture and grain size.
6 avr. 15, 2019
  • Fixed crash on sub-lattice code.
  • Fixed cluster volume change and fractured area syncronization accross domains. Affects simplified logic with pressure gradient.
5 avr. 15, 2019
  • Release has the same functionality as release 2.0.80 to 2.0.85.
  • Specific MPI changes:
    • Instrumented code to verify volume change for the simplified logic.
    • Functions that calculate cluster quantities will discard ghost nodes.
    • Fixed accumulation of volume change and area during cycle.
  • Fixed history volume change, pressure drop and average velocity.
  • Other changes:
    • When building a borehole from a well trajectory, corrected case where the minimum horizontal stress is Sigma 2. Previously, the code worked only when the the minimum horizontal stress is assigned to Sigma 3.
    • Smallest pressure flag on function getNeighborWithHighestPress is now reset to true for every fluid element in the loop.
    • Improving messages to clearly explain errors when specifying interface, liner and cement properties in the borehole-segment dialog.
    • Corrected units (from m to cm) for resolution in "Resolution Domain" tab.
    • Changes in function that reads depletion file to speed up loading the file and provide better feedback.
    • Added pressure gradient initialization based on model fluid level.
    • Added history options for aperture, cluster volume change and stage volume change.
    • Added ability to import rectangular joint from a .csv file. The first line of the file contains a desciption of the collmns and will be discarded. The next lines contain 13 columns (4 coordinates points and the joint aperture).
    • Allow negative value for constant pressure initialization.
    • New security logic.
    • Fixed function that calculates pressure and flow rate for matrix contour plot item.
    • The sub-lattice area multiplier is now interpolated from the main lattice.
    • The increment in search of sub-lattice cells to be activated was reduced to 0.5 of the cell size in each coordinate direction.
    • Displaying number of zones on contour plot item allowing estimation of stimulated volume.
4 janv. 17, 2019
  • Release has the same functionality as release 2.0.80.
  • Fixed cluster pressure history for inactive clusters.
3 janv. 11, 2019
  • Changed cluster connectivity logic for the fractures. It allows active cluster to take over fractures connected to the currently inactive cluster. The bucket in the simplified logic is equal to the cluster. Calculation of the cluster pressure drop due to perforation is fixed by resetting it to zero before each calculation cycle (inside the FlowRates function).
  • Added flag "Include Open Fractures" when exporting micro-cracks and ploting permeability countour to calculate permeability using the formula aperture^3 * resulution^2 / 12.0. Use this flag when proppant treatment was not applied to the model.
2 janv. 7, 2019
  • Code merged with version 2.0.79
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